2019 UCA and UDA Mile High Championship

Grand Valley Athletes Brought The Energy To Mile High

Grand Valley Athletes Brought The Energy To Mile High

The Grand Valley All Stars brought a Youth team got everyone in the crowd on their feet, regardless of who they were there to support.

Nov 11, 2019 by Varsity .tv
Grand Valley Athletes Brought The Energy To Mile High

The 2019 UCA & UDA Mile High Championship in Denver, Colorado, played host to some great cheerleading for teams all across the state and region.

While the majority of the teams were all girl teams, the coed teams that showed up to compete did so with a vigor and excitement that made the competition extremely fun to watch.

Grand Valley All Stars brought a Youth team with three boys on the roster that got everyone in the crowd on their feet, regardless of who they were there to support. When Youth Fire was going, everyone was screaming, and it was an awesome moment for everyone involved.

Kaycclynn Cudo, coach of Youth Fire, told us that the boys bring in the perfect balance to keep the team fun and competitive. Her little brother is actually one of the athletes, and he recruited his friends to complete the terrific trio.

“They love the athleticism and the tumbling,” shared Cudo in response to our question of how they get the boys invested into the program. However, it’s not just about athleticism and tumbling for they guys. 

“They love the friendships that they get out of it. They’re all like brothers and sisters, and it’s awesome”.

Often times when there are boys on the team, their presence can overshadow the efforts of the girls simply because it can be rare to have coed teams be prevalent at competitions. In this team’s case, though, Cudo feels that the boys’ enthusiasm actually helps the girls to push themselves in new ways as well. 

“When the boys want to get better and get more tumbling, it ends up motivating everybody, which is so great”. She went on to talk about how it creates a constantly moving flow of excitement for the team because they’re all making each other better all of the time.

What caught our eye about this particular team was how the boys played off of each other to rile up the fans and the crowd. 

One of crowd favorite moments was when the boys came to the front of the mat and set for a stunt on the ground. They very happily took their moment in the spotlight and the crowd roared louder than almost any other point in the weekend.

It was a very cool instance of affirmation for the Grand Valley All Stars family, reminding them that what they are doing is making big impressions at events and in the industry. The joy that they are instilling into their athletes showed up in the performance, and it made it impossible not to smile while watching.

It is always a privilege to see gyms making the effort to include everyone on their teams in an effort to grow the sport. Though there were numerous exciting coed performances through the weekend, Grand Valley Youth Fire was certainly one of the most memorable and fun.

 We can’t wait to see how the Grand Valley athletes continue to grow and build their excitement for cheerleading!  

Written By: Thomas Parrott

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