2019 The MAJORS

The MAJORS' Teams Kick Off 2019 With An Athlete Celebration!

The MAJORS' Teams Kick Off 2019 With An Athlete Celebration!

Athletes prepare for The Majors 2019 at the Athlete Celebration in Indianapolis, Indiana!

Jan 18, 2019 by Varsity .tv
The MAJORS' Teams Kick Off 2019 With An Athlete Celebration!

The doors swung open and the room quickly flooded with dresses and bow ties of all colors, but the colors black and red were trending. And rightfully so — this is The MAJORS!

Athletes dressed in their best took toward their backdrops for photos and wandered the room looking for friends from other programs. The Athlete Celebration was officially underway and spirits were high! The ladies of Prodigy Midnight created their own trend as they stood out in their matching blue shoes.

This year, the athletes were in for a special show, as the staff had prepared The MAJORS intro video and light show as a special preview before the big reveal on competition day. Lasers beamed in bright red and white, as six banners with MAJORS’ athletes were displayed on each side of the stage. The show did not disappoint and the teams applauded for every team logo that flashed across the screen, ready for more as the celebration carried on.

As the group made their way into the presentation room, they grabbed swag bags with bows, scrunchies, snacks, headphones and pins embellished with The MAJORS logo. The final presentation of the night highlighted one of the standout athletes to be awarded the Jeremi Sanders scholarship award — ECE Bombshells’ team member Gabrielle Comeau!

“While we’re competing against each other we should all be supporting one another. We are the top ranked teams in the country, and we should feel honored and blessed to be here. Learning how to lose with grace, and win while staying humble is something the sport has always succeeded in, and I know everyone in this room, athlete and coach alike, will hold themselves to that standard,” she told the group in her speech.

As the evening concluded everyone made their way back to their hotel rooms with her words in mind, ready to take on one of the most competitive competitions of the season.

Watch the show live on Friday, January 18th at 7:00PM ET.