An Open Letter to Competing Cheerleaders

An Open Letter to Competing Cheerleaders

The letter below was written by a cheer parent, two years ago after a night of intense competition.

Mar 4, 2016 by Varsity .tv
An Open Letter to Competing Cheerleaders
The letter below was written by a cheer parent, two years ago after a night of intense competition:

Dear Cheerleader,

No matter what happens out there on the floor, I am incredibly proud of you, your teammates and your coaches.  Although it’s difficult for people outside of this cheer world to understand, what you do on a daily basis at practice and on the competition floor is preparing you and shaping you for your adult life.

I often hear young people say “Cheer is Life” and you know what…it is.  So many of life’s lessons are taught during your cheer career and it is up to you to learn and incorporate them into your life.  Do not wish for others to fail or fall, push yourself so you can be better.  Wherever you end up in the jump, dance or stunt formation, give it your best effort.  We really can see that back half jumping from our seats and every single person contributes to the overall execution.  Even if you don’t get first place, stand and accept your placement proudly, then clap, cheer and congratulate the other teams because you know that all of the competitors and coaches on that stage have the same dedication, love, passion and drive as you do for what you do, and that is extremely special.  You are in room full of people who understand you and exactly how you are feeling.

Everyone has those days when you give it your all, push yourself farther than you ever thought possible & want it more than anyone else you know…and it just might not be your day.  You feel overwhelmed with pressure backstage.  You feel like your teammate (or his/her mother) is shooting you a look that might not be the nicest.  You have that sinking, worst-feeling-in-the-world that you let your teammates down.   Although they may feel that way for a moment, to their core, they know you gave it your all and absolutely love you anyway.  Winning is about way more than just a trophy.  It’s about creating lasting memories and forming unbreakable bonds with your family of cheer brothers and sisters.  How many more times in your life will your heart beat out of your chest with excitement and love for the teammates about to take the stage with you?  How many more times in your life will you look up and see thousands of people cheering for you and urging you to go on even after you fall?  How many more times in your life will you get that awesome, overwhelming feeling that words aren’t even enough to describe?  Cherish these moments – big and small – before these moments pass you by.

In your adult life, someone else might get that big promotion over you, just as in cheer someone may get put in a certain spot or on a certain team over you.  You may do more than your share on a group project at work and feel like you get no credit for it.  Bosses, like coaches, cannot help but see when someone gives their maximum effort.  Bosses, like coaches, notice a great attitude even when your body feels absolutely numb inside from disappointment.  Bosses, like coaches, notice and appreciate a strong work ethic and dedication even though inevitably others may get more attention.  So yes, Cheer is Life.

Stop complaining. Your time will come. It might not be tomorrow, but the thing that is right for you will come along. Life is what you make of it and cheer is what you make of it. 

So, regardless of what happens during the awards ceremony, know that you have given it your all.  Just as in life, this is what we hope for you. You will have extremely good days and heartbreaking bad days as an adult, but you keep going and move on.  Yes, the medallion, backpack, jacket, sweatshirt, etc. is an amazing souvenir from the day, but what it represents to you is the journey…memories, tears (of joy and oftentimes of pain – physical or emotional), the carefree joy in those silly moments waiting with your teammates for hours before you go on, the inside jokes that no one else outside of your team will ever understand (not even your best friends at school), you pushing yourself to do more, be more and give more than you thought you ever could.  This is the journey of life – make it extraordinary!

Love always,

Mom & Dad