2024 Spirit of Hope Grand Nationals

How To Watch The 2024 Spirit Of Hope Grand Nationals

How To Watch The 2024 Spirit Of Hope Grand Nationals

2024 Spirit of Hope Grand Nationals is streaming on Varsity TV on January 13-14th.

Jan 9, 2024
How To Watch The 2024 Spirit Of Hope Grand Nationals

Charlotte, North Carolina is home to the Spirit of Hope Grand Nationals as 600 League points are at stake as All Star Cheer teams compete from Jan. 13-14. 

Beyond just top-tier competition, Spirit of Hope Grand Nationals is about celebrating the life and selflessness of Hope Stout, a young cheerleader who passed away from cancer in 2004 at the age of 12. 

Her legacy includes unselfishly using her wish from the Make-A-Wish Foundation to help grant the wishes of the other 155 children in the program at the time.

Here's how to watch the event. 

How To Stream The 2024 Spirit Of Hope Grand Nationals 

The 2024 Spirit of Hope Grand Nationals will stream LIVE on Varsity TV.

The rebroadcast will stream on Varsity TV on a delay of 24 hours.

If you’re going to be in Charlotte and want to see the event in person, click HERE for spectator and ticket information.

2024 Spirit Of Hope Grand Nationals Results

Results for the 2024 Spirit of Hope Grand Nationals will be here.

2024 Spirit Of Hope Grand Nationals Schedule

The schedule for the 2024 Spirit of Hope Grand Nationals can be found here.

Bids Up For Grabs At 2024 Spirit Cheer Super Nationals

  • Four (4) Paid Bids to The Cheerleading Worlds
  • Twelve (12) At-Large Bids to The Cheerleading Worlds
  • Three (3) Paid Bids to The Summit
  • Four (4) IASF At-Large Bids to The Summit
  • Seven (7) At-Large Bids to The Summit
  • Three (3) Paid Bids to The D2 Summit
  • Seven (7) At-Large Bids to The D2 Summit
  • One (1) Paid Bid to The Youth Summit
  • Four (4) At-Large Bids to The Youth Summit
  • One (1) Paid Bids to DI divisions to The Regional Summit
  • One (1) Paid Bids to DII divisions to The Regional Summit
  • Top three teams in eligible divisions will earn At-Large Bids to The Regional Summit
  • Three (3) Wild Card Bids for AFF divisions to The Recreational Summit
  • Three (3) Wild Card Bids for non-AFF divisions to The Recreational Summit 
  • Three (3) At-Large Bids for AFF divisions to The Quest
  • Three (3) At-Large Bids for Non-AFF divisions to The Quest 
  • Golden Tickets to the U.S. Finals